Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Massage sessions de-mystified!

For those who have never had a massage before I'm often asked what its like! Well, that's a difficult question to answer as everyone responds differently to a session & each experience will be an unique one depending on what they are having, the experience of the therapist & what state the person treating is in. I'm also often asked do I have to undress completely? Well, the answer again is its up to you! Most clients undress down to their underwear but you can have all your clothes on & have what's called a 'seated clothed massage' as can be seen from the picture below:- 

Clothed seated massage by Bibi

Also, you don’t have to lie down on a massage couch if that's difficult for you to do. You can have a massage in almost any position: lying on your side, standing against a wall, on your stomach or on your back. Should a client choose to undress to their underwear then they are covered with towels & these are carefully moved as required to carry out the treatment. 

The other question that I'm often asked is: 'what happens during a session? Well,that depends on what treatment you have come for and the therapist you see! With my own practice there is always a full consultation so that
your medical history and lifestyle can be taken into consideration in the treatment plan. If you have come for a unclothed massage then you get changed in privacy and lie on the couch. I then start the treatment & will ask for feedback from you regarding the strokes & pressure etc. 

At the end we chat about the treatment and your aftercare is outlined. This is written down & given to you as a reminder. Also, I will advise about what you can do in-between treatments to maintain or improve your body’s equilibrium. This may be through gentle stretching exercises which I'll show you or changes to your lifestyle or diet may be discussed.

Upper back massage by Bibi

Shoulder & arm massage by Bibi

Leg massage by Bibi

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