Vatki Foot Massage™ (KVFM). Kansa what? I hear you say. KVFM
combined with 'marma
therapy' -
Indian acupressure - is one of the most relaxing forms of massage
and the most established. Now it is coming to Norwich!
qualifying in KVFM I have had nothing but praise for it. I have had
lovely comments such as 'blissful', 'so relaxing', 'like walking on
air'. This was the most recent one: 'it has left my muscles feeling
soft & calm'. I received my qualification from a tutor who
trained with the 'London Centre of Indian Champissage'. I was also
lucky enough to have the treatment & found it be utterly
what is KVFM? This 'ayurvedic' form of foot massage originates from
India and has a long well established history of use there. Ayurveda
is the traditional medicine system of India and is the world’s
oldest healing system, dating back approximately 5,000 years. By the
way, 'ayurveda'
is thought by many to be the forerunner of modern medicine: "ayur"
means life and "veda" means knowledge.
to the KVFM treatment is a small bowl made up of three metals -
copper, zinc and tin.
Traditionally, clarified butter or
ghee is
used although other oils such as coconut, sunflower, jojoba or sesame
are used.
This treatment involves working on the feet and lower limbs using relaxing and smoothing massage techniques to soften and rest the muscles. Then using the special Kansa Vatki bowl, specific moves are carried out on the feet. Clients have reported that this leaves them feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, relaxed and more able to re-connect with themselves.
KVFM is suitable for all – young and old – sick or healthy. It especially benefits those who spend long hours on their feet as it may:-
- relax tired and aching feet and joints,
- improve and help joint mobility,
- help to strengthen the legs and feet,
- promote good sleep,
- help to reduce stress and anxiety
may also help with regulating the body as it balances body, mind and
spirit. Furthermore, it may promote good health and help in
preventing de-generative diseases.
is thought that the soles of the feet are directly connected to the
human soul as the feet contain key energy and nerve endings relating
to internal organs.
treatment sessions are just under an hour with assessment and
consultation. Give it a try – you have nothing to lose and
everything to gain!
details: 07717089280