an adult I find the subject of loss and bereavement difficult to
discuss with others or on-line & even more so to put it down in
words. It is one of those very personal subjects and it is hard to
know how to approach it when someone has lost a person close to them.
How do you acknowledge their bereavement? A card? A phone call? In
person? On-line? Do you talk about the dead person; and for how long
do you continue to mention them? How long should one stay in this
'grief' period? These and many other questions have cropped up
whenever there has been a bereavement in my own circle. I am aware
that people's responses will be as individual as they are.
I as an adult have problems discussing bereavement then imagine what
it must be like for a young child to loss a sibling, parent/s or
friend. At such difficult times 'Nelson's Journey' have come to the
rescue to help some children cope with their grief & thankfully
has helped many young children come to terms with their loss.
am supporting an event on Sunday 16th August, at the
Silver Room, Norwich to draw attention to this valuable charity and
raise funds for it.
following information was sent by the Organisation:-
Journey is a Norfolk charity supporting children and young people, up
to their 18th
birthday, who have experienced the death of a significant person in
their life e.g. parent, sibling, best friend etc. Our vision is to
give every bereaved child in Norfolk the support they need to move
forward positively with their lives, never having to cope with their
loss alone. We know offering the right help at the right time gives
them the best chance of avoiding long-term mental and emotional
health issues, which can lead to educational problems, drug and
alcohol abuse and law-breaking. We understand too that coming to
terms with their loss often means dealing with anger, bottled-up
feelings and confusion as well as grief, particularly when their love
one’s death was sudden, unexpected or the result of suicide. Our
1:1 sessions, therapeutic weekends, activity days and NJ Clubs offer
support tailored to each child’s needs and circumstances, and our
guidance gives parents and carers the tools they need to support
them. Nelson’s Journey endeavours to ‘Bring back smiles to
bereaved children’. During 2014 we received 598 referrals, a rise
of 18% on the previous year.”
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