Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Free hand massages @ Jessopp Road URC, Norwich, NR2 3QA from 10am

As part of community 'payback' I do several charity events for my local area charities. The first one is on tomorrow for 'GAIN' - this group supports and offers advice for people with arthritis. At these events I offer free hand massages and advice on self-care.

I'm a firm believer in the benefits of massage and it can include the following:

Increasing your energy levels – massage may enable you to function better by helping to regulate your sleep patterns, eliminate toxins and impurities and restore strength and mobility.
Improving your concentration & mental clarity massage may reduce stress and anxiety, deepen relaxation and improve self-esteem.
Relieving muscle tension & stiffness and deepen (your) breathing it may also balance the digestive system and support the lymphatic system.
Finally and more importantly, it may induce a sense of mental wellbeing which makes you feel better able to cope with the strain and stresses of daily life.

So come along tomorrow from 10am at the Jessopp Road URC, Norwich and enjoy a free hand massage and have a cuppa! Everyone welcome.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Happy (Chinese) New Year

hanging lanterns in Korea

"Happy (Chinese) New Year" to all; may year of the monkey be a good one for you all.

Following on from my blog about how I keep active & connected I thought I would try out the computing skills I learnt today. This is just one of the examples of what I do to try to keep my grey cells active. 

At the IT class today I re-learnt how to use the 'Pixlr' photo editor programme to load a photo from a folder. Then I cropped it to the area I wanted to keep, re-sized it & finally added text. I was also shown how to rotate a photo.

I tried to repeat the taught steps & did the above on my own at home. I picked a photo I took whilst on holiday in Korea which I downloaded from my camera onto my laptop. Then following what I had learnt in class I was able to do the above. Hope you like it.